As a society, we are judged by how we treat the most vulnerable among us. 

Substance and alcohol use disorders remain highly stigmatized conditions in our society. We tend to see people with these disorders as morally bankrupt, criminal and deserving of their own fate. 

In fact, people suffering substance and alcohol use disorders are people just like you and me, people who’ve suffered some sort of trauma in their lives and are sick because of it. Substance use disorder is an illness, not a moral failing. People struggling with these challenges are deserving of care and compassion. They deserve a chance to heal. 

Addiction is not simply an individual problem; it is a societal problem, a family problem, a community problem. We are all in this together, like it or not. 

The People of Substance campaign discusses and addresses stigma by introducing you to real people in your community who have struggled with substance use disorders. We also provide education on the science and root causes of addiction. We must improve access to recovery for those dealing with addiction and destigmatize the illness to encourage more people to seek recovery. 

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People of Substance in the News

Shifting the Addictions Paradigm. Taos News. September 1, 2022

Substance Abuse Summit Tackles Barriers to Recovery, Taos News, June 14, 2023


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